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Exit in Excellence: Creative Ways to Leave Your Wedding Reception

Gone are the days of rice being thrown, apparently the birds won’t let us be great. Necessity is the mother of invention and we have definitely come up with some amazing ways to drive off into the sunset.

Let’s look at some creative ways Newlyweds make their way out, and off to start a new life together.

Gone are the days of rice being thrown, apparently the birds won’t let us be great. Necessity is the mother of invention and we have definitely come up with some amazing ways to drive off into the sunset. 

Let’s look at some creative ways Newlyweds make their way out into the world, and off to start a new life together.


Photo Credit: USA Sparkler Company

If your reception goes into the night, sparklers are a great option for your exit and really make a big impact on your photos. A company I love to send all my clients to is USA Sparkler Company They have an amazing variety of sizes and styles to fit the look of the sparkler you want. They have incredibly fast shipping, and the customer service is top-notch! Pro Tip: Make sure you have a safe way to extinguish the sparklers, like using a bucket filled with water or sand to ensure they are completely out.

Flower Petals

Photo Credit: Snake River Flowers

Photo Credit: Snake River Flowers

I love this idea for an afternoon or garden-themed wedding. Folklore tells us that throwing flower petals in this fashion symbolizes fertility. Select flower petals that match the colors of your wedding to brighten up your photos, as guests toss them in the air, the petals will cascade around you. It’s a beautiful sight to see captured on film. Be Earth-friendly and talk to your florist about getting red flower petals for your guests to toss on your day.

Ribbon Wands 

Photo Credit :

Photo Credit :

A throwback to the days of old. I’m a sucker for all things Victorian era, and this is on my list of fun and swoon-worthy exits. These particular Ribbon Wands have bells on them, and when you shake them the soft fabric and ringing fills the sky signaling for a lovely couple to kiss. It's a romantic and whimsical thing to witness. 


Photo Credit: Wedding Wire

Photo Credit: Wedding Wire

If you’re still able to have some daylight after your reception, bubbles are an easy, inexpensive, and clean-up free option. I mean, who doesn’t love bubbles? It brings us back to our childhood and all the nostalgia that comes with it. You can find them virtually everywhere, from your party retailer to Amazon, to Walmart. Remember, keep these out of the hands of very young children.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these examples of how to supe-up your send-off. There are several other creative ways, however, these are just a few of the most popular you can do and save a few bucks. Now, please keep in mind that the venue you’ve selected may have a policy or two that may keep you from doing the send-off you may want, so be sure to check your contracts or speak with the venue management before ordering your items. As I always say, these tips aren’t for everyone, tweek and change what you want to suit your event in the best way possible. If you like what you’ve read, give us a like and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation.

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,
Amaris T.

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Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor

The Bridesmaid Mambo: A Wedding Party Guide

I want to start this blog with a personal situation. While I was planning my wedding, I fired one of my bridesmaids. While the facts of what compelled me to make that decision won’t be disclosed, I will let you know that I am not the first bride that has had to do it. Sometimes it’s the best option for the bride to keep her sanity. My job as a planner, from time to time, is to help both brides and their lovely line of ladies (and grooms and groomsmen too…we are all inclusive here *wink*) preserve friendships and have fun times while in the wedding planning process. The title of this post really speaks volumes to the actions that must be taken during this time, because it is a dance. These can be very stressful times for a newly engaged couple, and there is a right and wrong way to convey feelings about the day to day wedding activities.

Let’s talk about how to be the best Brides, Grooms, and Wedding Party during the wedding planning process!

I want to start this blog with a personal situation of my own. While I was planning my wedding, I fired one of my bridesmaids. While the facts of what compelled me to make that decision won’t be disclosed, I will let you know that I am not the first bride that has had to do it. Sometimes it’s the best option for the bride to keep her sanity. My job as a planner, from time to time, is to help both brides and their lovely line of ladies (and grooms and groomsmen too…we are all inclusive here *wink*) preserve friendships and have fun times while in the wedding planning process. The title of this post really speaks volumes to the actions that must be taken during this time, because it is a dance. These can be very stressful times for a newly engaged couple, and there is a right and wrong way to convey feelings about the day to day wedding activities. 

Let’s talk about how to be the best Brides and Wedding Party during your wedding planning process!

For The Maid/Matron of Honor

Photo Credit: jacoblund / Getty Images

Photo Credit: jacoblund / Getty Images

M.O.H.’s, make sure you take the helm the moment you are handed this title! As the second in command, it is your job to ensure a stress free environment for the bride. Set a meeting with all the bridesmaids to let them know the coming events and take ideas at that time. Have the bridesmaids come to you with issues before going to the Bride-to-be, it will say so much time and frustration. Who knows, you may have the solution to the problem yourself and the bride never even has to know. Be that sounding board that the bride needs to feel comfortable about decisions she needs to make. Some things you may need to be in charge of:

  • Creating the bridesmaid social media page

  • Organizing the Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party

  • Helping solidify the bridesmaid dresses and schedule alterations

  • Helping with the RSVPs and registry

For The Bridal Party

Photo Credit: Emma Bauso

Photo Credit: Emma Bauso

Hard truth time: THIS DAY IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Period. Ok…now that I got that out of the way, let’s chat. I know that we all have our personal preferences such as what colors look awesome with our skin tone, or if we lack the capability to walk well in heels. When we sign up to be a bridesmaid, we put what we want aside to show full support to the Bride-to-be. What we like may not be something that works well with her vision of the day. This doesn’t mean that your opinions aren’t important, however they may not be requested at that time. Be prepared to pay for your dress, shoes, and jewelry. If you know the financial obligation may be too much, don’t be afraid to say something. It’s best to let the bride know upfront what you can and can not do to be apart of her day, and I guarantee you she will thank you for it. Don’t criticize every little thing, don’t complain about having to wear your hair in an up-do. It’s a real honor to be asked to be a bridesmaid because you are a person the bride holds in high regard. Although some of the requests may be a bit outlandish it’s literally only for one day, so pull up your spanks and be there for your girl! 

For The Bride

Photo Credit: Kayla Renee

Photo Credit: Kayla Renee

I, if not more than anyone, understand how much stress you and your fiancé are going to go through when planning your very special day. With that being said, please place stress where it belongs and don’t take it out on your bridesmaids. Go to the gym, and workout the aggravation. If they are your real friends (they should be if you’re selecting them to stand up with you) they will turn the world counterclockwise to make sure you have what you need to be happy. Remember, they are there to support you and not be a slave to every insane request you may have. Give your bridesmaids options, don’t take away their voice completely, and give them a chance to have a bit of fun too. An example of this is letting the ladies as a collective pick out their dresses. It takes stress off of you and they work together to make sure they all look stunning for your wedding. If you do have a request that you’d like them to follow, let them know why. You may have a sentimental reason for the request, and if you communicate to the ladies properly you’ll reduce the chances of an impending issue. Some other ways you can incorporate the bridal party to assist with planning are:

  • Give each one a job. The bridesmaid with the biggest foot, have her find the shoes. One of your girls in the group a foodie? Have her select an awesome catering company for the rehearsal dinner or restaurant for an outing. 

  • Have one of the ladies help make calls, or assist confirming appointments.

  • If you like to D.I.Y. or you have a bridesmaid thats crafty, have them help you create your wedding favors or gifts for the wedding party (per my last blog).

To sum this up, a wedding, no matter what your role is a wonderful thing to be apart of. As a bridesmaid, the memories of how you were integral in prepping the bride and groom get down the aisle will be cherished for a lifetime. Be present in the moment as a bridesmaid, and understand the day is bigger than you. At the end of the day it’s about two people expressing their love for one another. Brides, be thankful for the women (and gents) that are in your corner and feel blessed to have a crew that has your back. Don’t take true friendships for granted, however don't allow stress and strife to enter from anyone who you truly feel may not be with you for the best intentions. Honestly, they won’t be hard to spot, and you’ll know the right thing to do when it’s time. I don’t want this blog entry to come off as negative, but I do want this to serve as more of a reality check. We are all different people with different personalities, and during these times we need to be cognizant of the goal. If everyone puts the beautiful couple in the forefront, it will be an even more beautiful experience.

If you like what you’ve read, give us a like, and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation. 

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,


Amaris T.

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Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor

D.I.Y. Or Why Not?

More often than not, I hear the term “D.I.Y.” or “I am really crafty!” during a wedding consultation. While I am happy that the couple (or bride in most cases) is attempting to be budget-conscious by creating certain items for their big day, time and sometimes skill set may not be on their side. The term DIY means to Do It Yourself and although this can start out as a money-saving idea it can definitely turn into frustration and more stress than you are ready for.

So let’s talk about what’s OK to DIY, when it’s not, and how to decide if DIY is best for you.

More often than not, I hear the term “D.I.Y.” or “I am really crafty!” during a wedding consultation. While I am happy that the couple (or bride in most cases) is attempting to be budget-conscious by creating certain items for their big day, time and sometimes skill set may not be on their side. The term DIY means to Do It Yourself and although this can start out as a money-saving idea it can definitely turn into frustration and more stress than you are ready for. 

So let’s talk about what’s OK to D.I.Y., when it’s not, and how to decide if D.I.Y. is best for you.

The Perks of D.I.Y.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Photo Credit: Pexels


This is the biggest perk of taking on a D.I.Y. The money-saving aspect could be the difference between a couple hundred to a couple of thousand dollars depending on the project. That money can definitely help with other wedding expenses, household bills, or go toward the honeymoon!

Shows Off Creativity

It’s super fulfilling and relaxing for some to delve into a craft project they really love. To have the skill to build a centerpiece or to make a nice wedding favor for guests is a blessing. This can even become a side hustle, and turn into a viable business to bring more income to your bank account! And who doesn’t love more cash! *looking around confused* LOL

The Set Backs of D.I.Y.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Photo Credit: Pexels

Craft Knowledge

If you’re not super crafty and you’ve got it in your mind to D.I.Y. it may be time to stop thinking. I know we have all heard everything can be YouTube’d to learn the steps to create something awesome, but honing in on how to make it perfect can be a struggle. Sometimes we can bite off more than we can chew. You might be in the crafting fail so deep that you won't have time to fix it or purchase what you need for your wedding day.


The second biggest issue with D.I.Y.’s honestly. I know I have probably said this in a blog or two before, but time is precious! Not knowing or understanding what it takes to make a bouquet or to make little place-cards can derail other aspects of the wedding because the D.I.Y. project you were creating was important to that piece of the day. Don’t stress more than you have to. Save the time to relax, and let the pros do what they do best.

How To D.I.Y. Right

Here are a few things you can D.I.Y. to make your wedding day more memorable and won’t break the bank:

Bottle Lanterns

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirées

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirées

If you drink wine like me ( or one of my best friends Jennifer…She’s a teacher…ok) you should have bottles to make the cutest lanterns. All you need is some rice lights/string lights, a Dremel, and a glue gun and you will have the cutest lights around!

Wedding Party Emergency Kits

Photo Credit: HappilyHomeadeCA

Photo Credit: HappilyHomeadeCA

Get a cute makeup or toiletry bag and fill it with aspirin, bobby/safety pins, bandages, makeup wipes, breath mints, and all other helpful things to help your wedding party throughout the day.

Flip-flop Basket

Photo Credit: Amy Trinite

Photo Credit: Amy Trinite

I hope I was able to better help you decide if you’re a D.I.Y. Bride or Groom. Now, as I usually say, these tips aren’t for everyone. You may really love to craft and get creative with wedding day projects, and I would never want to deter you from a labor of love. Just be cautious of your timeline, budget accordingly, and pace yourself. If you like what you’ve read, give us a like, and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation. 

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,


Amaris T.

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JUST SAVE IT! Savvy Spending For Your Wedding

Every day I get questions from couples about items they think they need for their wedding day. A lot of them are really great and creative ideas…some not so much. I am dedicating this blog to you good folks who might be overthinking these things a bit. I want you to know that all of these things aren’t necessary to make your wedding day beautiful. Savvy spending is super important to planning, and knowing the correct items to spend your hard-earned dollars could keep you out of the red.

Let’s go over what NOT to buy for your wedding day.

Every day I receive questions from couples about items they think they need for their wedding day. A lot of them are really great and creative ideas…some not so much. I am dedicating this blog to you good folks who might be overthinking these things a bit. I want you to know that all of these things aren’t necessary to make your wedding day beautiful. Savvy spending is super important to planning, and knowing the correct items to spend your hard-earned dollars on could keep you out of the red.

Let’s go over what NOT to buy for your wedding day.

Super Large Wedding Cakes

Photo Credit: 45 Totally Unique Wedding Cupcake Ideas | Wedding Forward | Lace cupcakes, Wedding  cupcakes, Wedding cakes with cupcakes

Photo Credit:

Cake…my arch-nemesis. I have a love/super hate relationship for over the top wedding cake. I guess you can say it makes me biased, but I would not be doing my due diligence as a planner if I didn’t talk about cake. Don’t get me wrong, I love cake, but huge wedding cakes are a wasteful option for a couple to spend money on, especially if you have a smaller guest count. Think about it folks, we have cocktail hour with appetizers, then a reception with at least 3 courses, then regular beverages. Trust me, half of your guests won’t want to eat dessert after all that. So, you have this big ol’ cake that looks amazing during the reception, and whatever isn't eaten has to be tossed out. Don’t get me started on saving the top layer for your one year anniversary, it never comes out tasting as good. LOL. If you’re not leaving for your honeymoon right away Save the top layer for after dinner the next night because I can assure you you won’t even have a chance to eat it during the reception!. I recommend having a 6-8 inch cake to cut for the reception, and then do an assortment of cupcakes for your guests to take home. I personally love the idea of getting some small boxes from the baker or from for your guests to transport their dessert in. That’s less cake you have to worry about getting trashed and your guests will love it.

Expensive Save the Dates

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Save the Dates are a great way to let your guests know to do just that, SAVE THE DATE! With that being said, don’t believe that you have to take super dramatic engagement photos to have displayed on an informal invite. If you have the time and cash to do it, rock on! A super cute and simple Save the Date is also just fine to use to alert people of the incoming wedding invite. I always recommend that you send the save the dates out after you book your venue. I would spend the extra on making that Save the Date magnetized. That way, people can take them out of the envelope and BAM right on the fridge so they don’t get lost. I don't know where anyone else places their Save the Dates, LOL, but all of mine go right to the one place that I and the hubs go to equally…the kitchen!

Invitations With Multiple Inserts

Photo Credit: Wedding Invitation

Photo Credit: Wedding Invitation

With the growing popularity of the wedding website, long gone are the days for the need of an RSVP card, the meal selection card, and so forth. Save the extra stamp and money on the extra paper inserts, and send the invite with info on how to get to your wedding website online. Apps like Zola, and Wedding Wire are free and easy to use. You can easily track your RSVPs, add your registry, post info about hotel stays, and any other information you need to get to your guests with ease. You can even send web links o your family and friends in case they lose their invite. It’s just a more efficient way to get everyone together.

Guest Personalized Favors

Photo Credit:

I love a cute wedding favor, but Thomas, Angela, William, and any of your other guests don’t need a wedding favor with their name on it. You can keep favors low cost and personalized with you and your fiancé’s name and wedding date. Popular favors gifted at weddings are stemless glassware, candles, or candy tins. I think it’s totally appropriate for you to have something personalized as a gift for the bridesmaids and groomsmen to say thanks for being there for you, but beyond that, it’s not necessary for everyone to have them.


Photo Credit: Ann's Bridal Bargains

Photo Credit: Ann's Bridal Bargains

One of the biggest waste of paper EVER! I can not begin to tell you how many programs I have picked up off the reception floor. Let’s just say if I had a dollar for each one I collected, I’d have a couple thousand dollars. Although programs are nice, people honestly don’t read them or care as much about them to carry them around. Remember, info like this can always be posted on the wedding website you’ll create to share info with your guests. The best thing about the site is you’re not limited on space, and you can create as many pages as you want to make sure your guests know all the details for your nuptials. 

I hope I was able to set your mind at ease about items you don’t need for your wedding day. Now, as I usually say, these tips aren’t for everyone. Your wedding may require a program or invitation suite and that’s totally fine. As a planner, I am here to reassure you should you be a budget-conscious bride or groom its ok to cut corners in these areas to save cash. It’s your day, personalize it to the way you want it. If you like what you’ve read, give us a like, and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation.

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,


Amaris T.

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