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Menu Planning Tips For Your Next Event

Hey party people! It is I, Amaris back at it again with the tips and tricks you need to make your next event the envy of the friend group. I have compiled a list of must-have fare and refreshments at your next shin-dig. Whether you’re having lite bites with friends or hosting a fancy dinner party, you’ll be prepared to wow the crowd.

Yes, I still use that phrase…shin-digs are where it’s at baby.

Hey party people! It is I, Amaris, back at it again with the tips and tricks you need to make your next event the envy of the friend group. I have compiled a list of must-have fare and refreshments at your next shin-dig. Whether you’re having lite bites with friends or hosting a fancy dinner party, you’ll be prepared to wow the crowd.

Yes, I still use that phrase…shin-digs are where it’s at baby.

The Appetizers:

I am a sucker for a starter. If it weren’t for the fact that we already begin our meals with these delectable good times in bite-size form, they would most certainly be at the top of this list regardless of the order. A beautiful, but easy fruit assortment is great because it’s something your guests can recognize and feel good about starting with. I would pair the fresh fruit off with something savory or spicy to counter the sweet, that will give you a great balance, and amp up the tastebuds for the meal ahead. A great example of paring the two is building a beautiful charcuterie board. I was at a venue walk-through with wedding clients of mine last summer, and a beautiful spread of color was laid out before my eyes. The mix of cured meats, aged cheeses, along with an assortment of fruits and veggies stole the show! If you don’t know where to start, go to your local grocer and talk to the cheesemonger. Try some samples, find what you like, and then dish it out! Be sure to be courteous and keep the food groups separated for those guests who may be vegan. They don’t have to be huge, but colorful is what you’re going for.  

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirees

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirees

The Mains: 

Remember on the last blog when I said that food is the backbone of any event? It’s so true I had to repeat it. You could have the greatest music and lighting at your party, but if the food isn’t right…throw the whole event away! I love to put hearty pasta and proteins on the table because it’s always a winning combo. A favorite of mine is a nice grilled Salmon flavored with rosemary and lemon, and I serve that with a big bowl of bowtie pesto pasta. Craving steak? How about pan-seared Filet mignon topped with homemade Chimichurri, served with a creamy Fettuccini Alfredo. Make the parents proud and throw something green in the mix. Savory asparagus spears or a summer spinach salad with a light balsamic vinaigrette goes well and looks pretty too. Not for nothing, who doesn’t like pretty food? The key to why this works so perfectly is that there’s an option for everyone to eat something. There’s a way to substitute gluten-free pasta or vegan meatless pairings. Omnivores, Vegetarians, Vegans all can be happy if you arrange the meal to consist of options everyone can enjoy. 

The Libations:

Louis Pasture once said, “A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.” Well then, based on all the wine I’ve had I must be a genius! Wine can really enhance the course flavors and truly make dinner more enjoyable. Here’s a quick list of wine pairings for you to reference:

  • Buttery Chardonnay- White wine: For dishes with cream sauces, cheese, shellfish

  • Sauvignon Blanc- White wine: For light foods, fish, chicken; good aperitif wine.

  • Dry Rosé - Blush or pinkish hue: Versatile wine that goes with fish, chicken, cheese

  • Pinot Noir – Red wine: Goes with moderate to medium foods, salmon, pork, chicken

  • Zinfandel – Red Wine: Pizza, pasta, grilled red meat (White Zins have a light berry red color)

  • Merlot – Red wine: Beef, pork, lamb, chicken

  • Cabernet – Red wine: The ultimate juicy steak wine

  • Syrah – Red wine: BBQ red meats, pork ribs

When serving guests, I like to open 2-3 bottles of different varieties and I let my guests serve themselves. Red wine should be served at room temperature, but it’s best around the low 60’s. For white wines, I prefer the bottle to have a nice chill when I serve it. An hour or so in the fridge before serving should do the trick. You don’t have to be a stickler on what wine goes with what dish, but I definitely do suggest that you drink wine out of the correct wine glass. The glasses are created to make sure you get the best flavors out of your wine. Call me bougie, but there are reasons for these things. Of course, make sure you have other options for the non-drinkers in the group like juices, soft drinks, and plenty of water on hand to drink in between glasses of wine. 

The Sweets:

Personally, I am more of a savory than a sweets girl. I always say that you could put sautéed garlic and onions on a piece of rubber, and chances are I’d like it. LOL However there are times that I do crave a good dessert, and at that time there’s no denying that craving. Honestly, if I am having guests over for dinner and I’m in a rush, I will hit the grocery store deli and get a nice baked apple pie and a freezer aisle ice cream. The trick is the plating EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I’ll get an inexpensive wine glass, and just layer the pie and ice cream, and top with berries or whipped cream. Or if you have the time you can skip the pie and just have the ice cream and have out a myriad of toppings for people to choose from. One of the easiest desserts I make that really gets jaws dropping is angel food cake cups filled with sweetened berries. Here’s how I do it:

Photo Credit: The Grape Vine

Photo Credit: The Grape Vine

You can buy the angel food cake cups in your local grocery store, usually in the bakery/deli section. I get a fresh or frozen berry mix and add a cup or 2 into a saucepan. I add an equal amount of water (1 to 1), and add 1/2 cup of sugar (this really depends on how many berries), and a squeeze of lemon juice ( you could add some orange liquor or wine at this point if you have it *wink*). I let this mixture simmer on a cooktop until it bubbles, and all the sugar is incorporated. Turn the flame down until the mixture thickens and chill for at least an hour before serving. I like to warm the angel food cake just a little before spooning the mixture in the cups, and then top with fresh whipped cream! Voila! It’s so light and good, and everyone will think you slaved over it for hours. Now, you want to put these together at the moment of serving, because they tend to get soggy if they sit too long. My niece and nephew love it and always want to help make them. I’m telling ya, it’s a hit! 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog on what to serve at your next event! Food is one of my favorite topics to talk about and is seriously a keystone to any event. These are some suggestions to help you kick your dinner parties off to a great start and an even better end. As I always say, these tips aren’t for everyone, tweek and change what you want to suit your event in the best way possible. You know your guests, and you are certainly the main ingredient for a fun time. If you like what you’ve read, give us a like, and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation. 

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,
Amaris T.

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Austell Event Planning Amaris Taylor Austell Event Planning Amaris Taylor

A Party Divas Guide: 5 Tips for Planning a Post Quarantine Event

Throwing a fabulous event in Austell or Atlanta is not for the faint of heart. It takes passion, energy, and a really great supportive bra to get it done. Whether it’s a day or evening event, the theme may be different, but the elements never change. These steps are your guide to get you through any event with ease.

Throwing a fabulous event is not for the faint of heart. It takes passion, energy, and a really great support bra to get it done (trust me)! Whether it’s a day or evening event, the theme may be different, but the elements never change. These steps are your guide, a pathway if you will, to get you through any event. 

The Party Diva Scene

For most of us, getting our friends together for the first time since social distancing is going to be exciting! The hugs, the laughs, and the drinks will be plentiful. However, Madame ‘Rona has really changed the game for the event industry, so it’s important to think about innovative ways you can still keep the party going. 

Setting the scene, especially if the event is happening in your home, can be fun, but a bit confusing when picking themes or decor for the party area. Our homes are often fully decorated with couches and throw pillows, which is different than working with an empty venue. Whether you have a comfy sofa and coffee table or some other furniture combination, one of the best items to add are metallic or pearlized balloons. These ain’t your average 10th birthday party color balloons, but are more grown up, adding a sexy adult appeal to a party. Throw a cluster or two in a few corners of your space to give it a “pop”…see what I did there? Balloons…pop…no? Ok no more corny humor, promise. 

The party area of your home may not have an abundance of flat spaces, so you may need a few tables to place your food and drinks, maybe even a few favors if you want to get fancy! 

Ensure you order corresponding tablecloths for each table you set out, this will help to bring your decor together even more. If you’re getting together during the day, keep your linens light and bright with ivory, white, or even a color that already exists in your space to tie it all in. Candles and florals strategically placed around your area will also help to make it feel warm and welcoming. Add some folding chairs if you don’t have enough seating, and viola! A simple and chic scene is set! 

The Party Diva Vibe

Now your place looks great, so what’s next? Talk, mingle, and catch up! One way to set the vibe for your party is to include a game of choice. That can be something you create specifically for your guests or a game such as Jenga or Cards Against Humanity. Whatever you decide to do, make it an atmosphere that your guests can feel comfortable in. 

Lighting is key, especially for evening events. Edison lights on a back deck or patio makes a world of difference for the mood of your event. Here are some other lighting ideas if you wish to take it up a notch:

  • You can grab some inexpensive votive candles from Walmart and line your back deck railing.

  • You can add lanterns with pedestal candles inside them for a more romantic affect. 

Next up, add some music. If you know your guests and what they like, play their favorite songs. Personally, my friends are varied and so are their tastes, so my trick is to play Spotify on a speaker and gauge the vibe of the group. 

Whether you decide to throw a movie night with the hot buttered popcorn. Do a wine tasting and hire a bartender to provide custom wine blends. Whatever you do, make it fun and memorable.

The Provisions

Food - The backbone of any event. If you’ve been skimming this post up until this point, now is the time to pay attention. Virginia Woolf once said “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Well baby, if I could go back in time, I would tell my girl V to edit and add “party well” because this is fact.

I’ve been the victim of circumstance while attending a party with a less than adequate array of food to choose from, and have even been the host with this party faux pas! To avoid this scenario, remember to request food allergies and restrictions from your guests prior to your event. You may have vegetarians or vegans coming, and no, they don’t just love a good salad! Have other options for them other than the standard fruit and veggie tray. 

Remember those tables and tablecloths I told you to purchase? This will be the base for your buffet area. If you can go for the matching serviceware, do it! I have a love, call it an obsession for beautiful serviceware. Nothing looks better than big, white porcelain bowls filled with colorful pasta salad or grilled chicken and rosemary on a gorgeous platter.

Tongs and other serveware should be available for your guests to load up on their favorite items. I like to have a tub filled with ice and an assortment of drinks that guests can grab and go. Add some mini splits of champagne and straws for that extra chic touch! Plates, cutlery, and napkins should also be near by the assortment, but have them in a decorative little basket to keep them clean. 

Most importantly, don’t feel obligated to cook because you are the host. If cooking is not your thing or just too time consuming, have your event  catered. 

The Fashion

I promise you, folks will be itching to get out and socialize so badly they will proudly buy and wear that Hawaiian shirt to your event. But seriously, it’s important to let your guests know what’s expected for the event attire. 

I remember when my husband and I were dating and he would invite me to parties telling me it’s something casual, only to show up and see everyone dressed in business casual attire. For the sake of wives and girlfriends everywhere, be sure to communicate your event attire on your invitation. 

Is it a daytime outdoor event? Then heels may not be appropriate or comfortable, and you don’t need to be worried about sprained ankles or grass stains on your guests favorite outfit. Is it an elegant dinner party? Then guest should know if jeans would be appropriate.

Making sure your guests are comfortable and cute for your party is always a plus. Some fun examples of how fashion can make a statement at a party or gathering could be an all black or white attired theme. You can even have some fun masks at the door for a mini masquerade! 

Just keep in mind that comfort is key! You want people to stay, and have the best time in your space. 

The Safe Zone

If food is the backbone of an event, safety is the heart. Your guest’s safety is of the utmost importance throughout the evening. It never hurts to have a first-aid kit in close proximity for minor cuts and scrapes. 

Now, we all like to kick back and drink at a function, but as the host be sure to monitor your alcohol consumption. It’s never a good look to not know what goes on in your home because you’ve had too much punch. Be sure to space out your guests drinks as well, and have bottled water, or a chilled caraffe for your guests to drink in between cocktails. 

One tip is to collect your guests keys at the beginning of an event if you would like to check they are sober enough to drive before they leave. Whatever method you choose for monitoring your guests, be attentive throughout the night. You can also enlist a friend as your designated driver for the night, in the event anyone needs it. If that’s not an option, make sure your rideshare app such as Uber, is ready to take guests home. 

Finally, don’t be afraid to house your guest for the night. Use that 6th sense, just in case the rideshare may not be the best option. 

Here are some last minute lifesavers (I’ve even added them in bullet points so you don’t miss them!):

  • Ensure that you have extra toilet paper and towels in your bathroom. Pre-light a candle in there as well, this adds to the ambiance and takes away from anything else.

  • Make space in your refrigerator. You will undoubtedly have more food on hand than usual.

  • Don’t give away your good containers! Get some to-go trays for people who want to take leftovers home.

  • If you have extra phone chargers, have them handy for your guests to use if needed. 

  • Yes! You do need more ice.

I hope you have learned a lot from my tips, and that your next event is a successful one! Have a question? Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.

Keep It Chic,

Amaris T.

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