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Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor Wedding Planning Amaris Taylor

D.I.Y. Or Why Not?

More often than not, I hear the term “D.I.Y.” or “I am really crafty!” during a wedding consultation. While I am happy that the couple (or bride in most cases) is attempting to be budget-conscious by creating certain items for their big day, time and sometimes skill set may not be on their side. The term DIY means to Do It Yourself and although this can start out as a money-saving idea it can definitely turn into frustration and more stress than you are ready for.

So let’s talk about what’s OK to DIY, when it’s not, and how to decide if DIY is best for you.

More often than not, I hear the term “D.I.Y.” or “I am really crafty!” during a wedding consultation. While I am happy that the couple (or bride in most cases) is attempting to be budget-conscious by creating certain items for their big day, time and sometimes skill set may not be on their side. The term DIY means to Do It Yourself and although this can start out as a money-saving idea it can definitely turn into frustration and more stress than you are ready for. 

So let’s talk about what’s OK to D.I.Y., when it’s not, and how to decide if D.I.Y. is best for you.

The Perks of D.I.Y.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Photo Credit: Pexels


This is the biggest perk of taking on a D.I.Y. The money-saving aspect could be the difference between a couple hundred to a couple of thousand dollars depending on the project. That money can definitely help with other wedding expenses, household bills, or go toward the honeymoon!

Shows Off Creativity

It’s super fulfilling and relaxing for some to delve into a craft project they really love. To have the skill to build a centerpiece or to make a nice wedding favor for guests is a blessing. This can even become a side hustle, and turn into a viable business to bring more income to your bank account! And who doesn’t love more cash! *looking around confused* LOL

The Set Backs of D.I.Y.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Photo Credit: Pexels

Craft Knowledge

If you’re not super crafty and you’ve got it in your mind to D.I.Y. it may be time to stop thinking. I know we have all heard everything can be YouTube’d to learn the steps to create something awesome, but honing in on how to make it perfect can be a struggle. Sometimes we can bite off more than we can chew. You might be in the crafting fail so deep that you won't have time to fix it or purchase what you need for your wedding day.


The second biggest issue with D.I.Y.’s honestly. I know I have probably said this in a blog or two before, but time is precious! Not knowing or understanding what it takes to make a bouquet or to make little place-cards can derail other aspects of the wedding because the D.I.Y. project you were creating was important to that piece of the day. Don’t stress more than you have to. Save the time to relax, and let the pros do what they do best.

How To D.I.Y. Right

Here are a few things you can D.I.Y. to make your wedding day more memorable and won’t break the bank:

Bottle Lanterns

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirées

Photo Credit: Simply Chic Soirées

If you drink wine like me ( or one of my best friends Jennifer…She’s a teacher…ok) you should have bottles to make the cutest lanterns. All you need is some rice lights/string lights, a Dremel, and a glue gun and you will have the cutest lights around!

Wedding Party Emergency Kits

Photo Credit: HappilyHomeadeCA

Photo Credit: HappilyHomeadeCA

Get a cute makeup or toiletry bag and fill it with aspirin, bobby/safety pins, bandages, makeup wipes, breath mints, and all other helpful things to help your wedding party throughout the day.

Flip-flop Basket

Photo Credit: Amy Trinite

Photo Credit: Amy Trinite

I hope I was able to better help you decide if you’re a D.I.Y. Bride or Groom. Now, as I usually say, these tips aren’t for everyone. You may really love to craft and get creative with wedding day projects, and I would never want to deter you from a labor of love. Just be cautious of your timeline, budget accordingly, and pace yourself. If you like what you’ve read, give us a like, and share this blog on your socials. If you’re getting married or have an event to be planned, be sure to contact us today for a free consultation. 

Until next time!

Keep it Chic,


Amaris T.

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